
Instruments are a special format produced by Export Instruments and Search Instruments

Instrument Object

An object corresponding to one instrument (aka Sub-Document)


    'id': 402970, 
    'sourceReferenceId': 1921, 
    'sourceName': "Example_File.pdf", 
    'startPageNumber': 3, 
    'endPageNumber': 5, 
    'typeName': "Bill of Sale",
    'reviewedBy': null,
    'reviewedAt': null, 
    'canonicalTags': [
            'tagType': "Instrument", 
            'typeName': "Airframe Inventory", 
            'domainEntityId': 39, 
            'annotationId': 402970, 
            'attributes': [
                {'name': "Make", 'value': "Beech"}, {'name': "Model", 'value': "C24R"}, {'name': "Serial Number", 'value': "MC-453"}
            'createdBy': {
                'id': 15,
                'email': "",
                'usernname': "tester"
    'annotations': [
            'annotationId': 403992,
            'sourceReferenceId': 1921, 
            'typeName': "Grantor", 
            'value': "Carsuo", 
            'pageNumber': 3, 
            'endPageNumber': null, 
            'offsets': [1321, 1326], 
            'textBounds': {'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': [[[[0.565917551517487, 0.769474387168884], [0.609824299812317, 0.769511699676514], [0.609820425510406, 0.778583765029907], [0.565913617610931, 0.778546392917633], [0.565917551517487, 0.769474387168884]]]]}, 
            'imageBounds': null, 
            'createdBy': 5, 
            'updatedBy': null, 
            'confidence': 96.7900390625, 
            'score': 0.7074922025203705, 
            'layerId': 635, 
            'isReviewed': False, 
            'reviewedBy': null, 
            'reviewedAt': null, 
            'modelSourceId': 12, 
            'modelSource': "Party Name Extractor"

Last updated