Search Instruments
Search a project for instruments and annotations that match the search criteria
Search instruments and their data
Search a project for information related to instruments that meet search filter criteria. Returns a maximum of 100 instruments and their annotations per page. If you need individual pdf files exported for each instrument, try using the Export Instruments api
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | Where you put your api key. Exporting a project requires a key with "Read" permissions.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
projectOwner* | String | Group Name that owns the project (viewable in "All Projects" page) |
projectName* | String | Name of the Project where you want to search |
tagFilter | Object | Filter search to include/exclude instruments with tags of these types attached. Applies to instrument's source file tags as well.
These filters act as an "OR" condition, so specifying two tags means any instrument with either will be returned.
sourceFilter | String | Filters export to only those instruments that have a source file name equal to sourceFilter |
page | Integer | Search result pagination number |
Search Result Object
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
page | Integer | The page of the search result |
hasMorePages | Boolean | Whether the search result has additional pages that can be requested |
results | Array of Instrument objects that comprise the search result |
Last updated