Annotation Types
Annotation types are the valid annotation labels that can be applied to source material.
Create Annotation Type
Create a new annotation type within your schema
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | string | Where you put your api key. Creating a schema requires a key with "Write" permissions.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
isRelation | boolean | Whether the type being created is intended for use as an annotation relation type. Defaults to False |
color | string | Hex code for the color of the annotation type
typeName* | string | Name of the annotation type that will be created |
projectIdentifier* | string | Identifier for the project that will contain the annotation type. Either the id or the unique name. |
category | string | Category grouping for the annotation type |
isDocumentClassification | boolean | Boolean for whether the annotation type is a document type classification |
This code shows how to create a new annotation type
Last updated